Tutorials & Articles

The idea is to add various tutorials and articles about various aspects of game development. The articles will cover a such things as graphic design, coding and game design.

All the articles referenced from this page have been authored by myself. At some point I may add articles by other people.

General Game Development

From Little Acorns... or Taking Development a Step at a Time
A simple guide to some of the development pitfalls that are out to trap the novice game developer.

Mac OS X Development

A series of tutorials showing how to develope a simple desktop game for Mac OS X. The tutorials use Cocoa, Objective-C and the Xcode developement environment. This series is hosted on the CreateMacGames website.


Character Heads
This tutorial shows you the steps to build a simple character head. By making only minor changes to the steps it is possible to produce a wide range of different characters but with the same look and feel. The actual tutorial is for building the character in Lightwave 8, however the techniques and ideas shown should transfer to other 3D applications easily enough.

Project Postmortems

Grobblers' Quest - Coming Soon!
Postmortem for the development of my entry for iDevGames 2005 Original Mac Games contest.
Industrial Revolution
Postmortem for the development of my 2004 uDevGames contest entry, Industrial Revolution.


Postmortem of a Game Development Site - Coming Soon!
A short article about the life and times of a game development site. Just what made it tick and why did the clock stop?